
美国.S. 劳工统计局(BLS)没有区分精神健康社会工作者和药物滥用社会工作者(链接). 随着医学专家开始把成瘾当作一种疾病来治疗, these two fields will experience more overlap. 除非另有说明,所有工资和就业信息均基于美国劳工统计局的数据.


Social workers in mental health are considered clinical social workers; they diagnose and treat mental illnesses, 所以需要更高级的培训和认证或执照. 除了为患有精神疾病的客户制定治疗计划, 心理健康社会工作者提供有关支持团体和12步计划的信息,帮助客户应对他们的疾病. 他们也可能将客户转介给精神科医生,后者可以开出治疗精神疾病的药物. Most mental health services are provided by social workers specializing in mental health; 60 percent of mental health professionals are social workers.


Social workers in mental health are unique. They take a holistic approach to treatment and healing. 像所有的社会工作者一样,心理健康社会工作者在他们的环境中观察人们. Their work combines psychological, social and practical tactics.

私人执业的心理健康社会工作者保持正常的办公时间,并进行家访. Some may work in hospitals or treatment facilities, for employee assistance programs or in government.


作为临床社会工作者,心理健康领域的工作者需要持有硕士学位 社会工作学位. All states require additional licensure and certification, but these requirements vary from state to state.

In addition to academic and licensure standards, 进入心理健康社会工作领域的人应该有同情心和良好的倾听能力. Social workers are problem solvers and should, 因此, 具备必要的技能来制定可实现的行动计划. 这些技能包括批判性思维和时间管理等.


截至2010年5月,心理健康社会工作者的工资中位数为3.86万美元. This number fluctuates depending on the workplace setting. Those working in hospitals have a median annual wage of $48,010, while those working in individual and family services earn $36,740.

就业 for social workers in this field is rising. 未来十年,就业机会预计将增长31%.